The ECE computer lab offers sixty-four (64) desktop workstations. All School of Engineering users must have an engineering account in order to access the lab. Accounts will be created at the start of each semester as instructors submit class rosters. Passwords can be created or reset using the button below (must be on Rutgers network to proceed). Additionally, below you will find the hours of operation for the lab, the lab class schedule, and available software in the lab.

Reset Password

Additionally, below you will find the hours of operation for the lab, the lab class schedule, and available software in the lab.


Lab Hours



Open Close
Monday 08:00 A.M. 08:00 P.M.
Tuesday 08:00 A.M. 08:00 P.M.
Wednesday 08:00 A.M. 08:00 P.M.
Thursday 08:00 A.M. 08:00 P.M.
Friday 08:00 A.M. 08:00 P.M.
Saturday Closed Closed
Sunday Closed Closed

Lab Class Schedule


Lab Software

Microsoft Logo Windows VM Only  Linux OS Only
PSpice MATLAB 2017a
COMSOL 5.2a Google Chrome
Digilent Software Mozilla Firefox
EAGLE 7.6 Android Studio
GIMP 2.8.18 Arduino IDE
Git Eclipse
Google Chrome NetBeans IDE 8.2
LTSpice XVII SmartGit
Maple 2016 modeFRONTIER 2016
MATLAB 2016a WPS Suite
Microsoft Office 2016 Vivado
Visual Studio 2015 Quartus
Mocha TN3270 VLC
Mozilla Firefox  
Quartus II Web Edition  
Tecplot 360 EX 2016 R2  
Vivado HL WebPACK 2017.2