1. P. Jongenburger, A. Wachters and G.J. Weng: Plastic anisotropy of textured steel sheets. Metallurgical Transactions Vol. 5, 2451-2455, 1974.

  2. A. Phillips and G.J. Weng: An analytical study of an experimentally verified hardening law. Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol. 42, 375-378, 1975.

  3. G.J. Weng and A. Phillips: On the kinematics of continuous distribution of dislocations in plasticity. International Journal of Engineering Science Vol. 14, 65-73, 1976.

  4. T.H. Lin, C.L. Yu and G.J. Weng: Derivation of polycrystal creep properties from the creep data of single crystals. Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol. 44, 73-78, 1977.

  5. G.J. Weng and A. Phillips: An investigation of yield surface based on dislocation mechanics. I. Basic theory. International Journal of Engineering Science Vol. 15, 45-59, 1977.

  6. G.J. Weng and A. Phillips: An investigation of yield surface based on dislocation mechanics. II. Applications. International Journal of Engineering Science Vol. 15, 61-70, 1977.

  7. G.J. Weng and A. Phillips: The stress field of continuous distribution of dislocations and of their movement in a polycrystalline aggregate. International Journal of Solids and Structures Vol. 14, 535-544, 1978.

  8. G.J. Weng: Parametric response of a metallic column at elevated temperature. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics Vol. 14, 123-132, 1979.

  9. G.J. Weng: Kinematic hardening rule in single crystals. International Journal of Solids and Structures Vol. 15, 861-870, 1979.

  10. G.J. Weng: A physically consistent method for the prediction of creep behavior of metals. Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol. 46, 800-804, 1979.

  11. D.C. Chang and G.J. Weng: Elastic moduli of randomly oriented, chopped fiber composites with filled resin. Journal of Materials Science Vol. 14, 2183-2190, 1979.

  12. G.J. Weng: Dislocation theory of work hardening and yield surface of single crystals. Acta Mechanica Vol. 37, 217-230, 1980.

  13. G.J. Weng: The yield surface of single crystals at arbitrary strain. Acta Mechanica Vol. 37, 231-245, 1980.

  14. C.T. Chon and G.J. Weng: Impact of a finite elastic-viscoplastic bar. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics Vol. 15, 195-209, 1980.

  15. G.J. Weng: Constitutive equations of single crystals and polycrystalline aggregates under cyclic loading. International Journal of Engineering Science Vol. 18, 1385-1397, 1980.

  16. Z.H. Kalman, J. Chaudhuri, G.J. Weng and S. Weissmann: Determination of strain concentration by microfluorescent densitometry of X-ray topography: A bridge between microfracture and continuum mechanics. Journal of Applied Crystallography Vol. 13, 290-296, 1980.

  17. G.J. Weng: Self-consistent determination of time-dependent behavior of metals. Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol. 48, 41-46, 1981.

  18. G.J. Weng: Constitutive relations of metal crystals at arbitrary strain. Acta Mechanica Vol. 41, 217-232, 1981.

  19. G.J. Weng: A self-consistent scheme for the relaxation behavior of metals. Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol. 48, 779-784, 1981.

  20. J. Chaudhuri, Z.H. Kalman, G.J. Weng and S. Weissmann: Determination of the strain concentration factor around holes and inclusions in crystals by X-ray topography. Journal of Applied Crystallography Vol. 15, 423-429, 1982.

  21. H.Y. Liu, G.J. Weng and S. Weissmann: Determination of notch tip plasticity by X-ray diffraction and comparison to continuum mechanics analysis. Journal of Applied Crystallography Vol. 15, 594-601, 1982.

  22. G.J. Weng: A unified, self-consistent theory for the plastic-creep deformation of metals. Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol. 49, 728-734, 1982.

  23. G.J. Weng: Tensile creep acceleration by superimposed cyclic torsional strain in polycrystalline metals. Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 57, 127-133, 1983.

  24. G.J. Weng: The influence of fatigue stress on the creep behavior of metals. Acta Metallurgica Vol. 31, 207-212, 1983.

  25. G.J. Weng: Cyclic stress relaxation of polycrystalline metals at elevated temperature. International Journal of Solids and Structures Vol. 19, 541-551, 1983.

  26. G.J. Weng: A micromechanical theory of grain-size dependence in metal plasticity. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids Vol. 31, 193-203, 1983.

  27. G.J. Weng: The effect of temperature and solute content on the plastic properties of polycrystalline alloys. Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 62, 57-63, 1984.

  28. G.J. Weng and C.R. Chiang: Self-consistent relation in polycrystalline plasticity with a non-uniform matrix. International Journal of Solids and Structures Vol. 20, 689-698, 1984.

  29. C.R. Chiang and G.J. Weng: Transition of plastic behavior from single crystal to polycrystal under pure tension, and the effect of multislip. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology Vol. 106, 311-316, 1984.

  30. G.J. Weng: Some elastic properties of reinforced solids, with special reference to isotropic ones containing spherical inclusions. International Journal of Engineering Science Vol. 22, 845-856, 1984.

  31. G.P. Tandon and G.J. Weng: The effect of aspect ratio of inclusions on the elastic properties of unidirectionally aligned composites. Polymer Composites Vol. 5, 327-333, 1984.

  32. G.J. Weng: Micromechanical determination of two-phase plasticity. International Journal of Plasticity Vol. 1, 275-287, 1985.

  33. G.P. Tandon and G.J. Weng: Stress distribution in and around spheroidal inclusions and voids at finite concentration. Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol. 53, 511-518, 1986.

  34. G.P. Tandon and G.J. Weng: Average stress in the matrix and effective moduli of randomly oriented composites. Composite Science and Technology Vol. 27, 111-132, 1986.

  35. Z.G. Zhu and G.J. Weng: Micromechanics of time-dependent deformation in a dispersion-hardened polycrystal. Acta Mechanica Vol. 69, 295-313, 1987.

  36. Z.G. Zhu and G.J. Weng: Theoretical calculation of creep and relaxation of polycrystals, and stress redistribution among constituent grains. Journal of Materials Science Vol. 22, 1390-1396, 1987.

  37. G.J. Weng: Anisotropic hardening in single crystals and the plasticity of polycrystals. International Journal of Plasticity (in memory of Aris Phillips) Vol. 3, 315-339, 1987.

  38. G.J. Weng: A micromechanical theory of high temperature creep. Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol. 54, 822-827, 1987.

  39. H.A. Luo and G.J. Weng: On Eshelby's inclusion problem in a three-phase spherically concentric solid, and a modification of Mori-Tanaka's method. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 6, 347-361, 1987.

  40. G.P. Tandon and G.J. Weng: A theory of particle-reinforced plasticity. Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol. 55, 126-135, 1988.

  41. Y.H. Zhao, G.P. Tandon and G.J. Weng: Elastic moduli for a class of porous materials. Acta Mechanica Vol. 76, 105-130, 1989.

  42. Z.G. Zhu and G.J. Weng: Creep deformation of particle-strengthened metal-matrix composites. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology Vol. 111, 99-105, 1989.

  43. H.A. Luo and G.J. Weng: On Eshelby's S-tensor in a three-phase cylindrically concentric solid, and the elastic moduli of fiber-reinforced composites. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 8, 77-88, 1989.

  44. Y.H. Zhao and G.J. Weng: Effective elastic moduli of ribbon reinforced composites. Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol. 57, 158-167, 1990.

  45. G.J. Weng: The overall elastoplastic stress-strain relation of dual-phase metals. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids Vol. 38, 419-441, 1990.

  46. Z.G. Zhu and G.J. Weng: A local theory for the calculation of overall creep strain of particle-reinforced composites. International Journal of Plasticity Vol. 6, 449-469, 1990.

  47. Z.G. Zhu and G.J. Weng: Creep anisotropy of a metal-matrix composite containing dilute concentration of aligned spheroidal inclusions. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 9, 93-105, 1990.

  48. G.J. Weng: The theoretical connection between Mori-Tanaka's theory and the Hashin-Shtrikman-Walpole bounds. International Journal of Engineering Science Vol. 28, 1111-1120, 1990.

  49. Y.P. Qiu and G.J. Weng: On the application of Mori-Tanaka's theory involving transversely isotropic inclusions. International Journal of Engineering Science Vol. 28, 1121-1137, 1990.

  50. Y.P. Qiu and G.J. Weng: The influence of inclusion shape on the overall elastoplastic behavior of a two-phase isotropic composite. International Journal of Solids and Structures Vol. 27, 1537-1550, 1991.

  51. Y.P. Qiu and G.J. Weng: Elastic moduli of thickly coated particle and fiber-reinforced composites. Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol. 58, 388-398, 1991.

  52. Y.P. Qiu and G.J. Weng: Elastic constants of a polycrystal with transversely isotropic grains, and the influence of precipitates. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 12, 1-15, 1991.

  53. G.J. Weng: Explicit evaluation of Willis' bounds with ellipsoidal inclusions. International Journal of Engineering Science Vol. 30, 83-92, 1992.

  54. H.H. Pan and G.J. Weng: Thermal stress and volume change during a cooling process involving phase transformation. Journal of Thermal Stress (The Bruno A. Boley 65th Anniversary Volume) Vol. 13, 1-23, 1992.

  55. Y.M. Wang, Y.P. Qiu and G.J. Weng: Transient creep behavior of a metal-matrix composite with dilute concentration of randomly oriented spheroidal inclusions. Composite Science and Technology Vol. 44, 287-297, 1992.

  56. Y.P. Qiu and G.J. Weng: A theory of plasticity for porous materials and particle-reinforced composites. Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol. 59, 261-268, 1992.

  57. Y.M. Wang and G.J. Weng: Transient creep strain of a metal-matrix composite under transverse loading. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology Vol. 114, 237-244, 1992.

  58. A. Farouk, N. Langrana and G.J. Weng: Modulus prediction of a cross-ply fiber reinforced fabric composite with voids. Polymer Composites Vol. 13, 285-295, 1992.

  59. Y.M. Wang and G.J. Weng: The influence of inclusion shape on the overall viscoelastic behavior of composites. Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol. 59, 510-518, 1992.

  60. H.H. Pan and G.J. Weng: Thermal stress relief by plastic deformation in aligned two-phase composites. Composites Engineering Vol. 3, 219-234, 1993.

  61. A. Bhattacharyya, T. Sakaki and G.J. Weng: The influence of martensite shape, concentration and phase transformation strain on the deformation behavior of stable dual-phase steels. Metallurgical Transactions Vol. 24A, 301-314, 1993.

  62. G.J. Weng: A self-consistent relation for the time-dependent creep of polycrystals. International Journal of Plasticity Vol. 9, 181-198, 1993.

  63. Y.P. Qiu and G.J. Weng: Plastic potential and yield function of porous materials with aligned and randomly oriented spheroidal voids. International Journal of Plasticity Vol. 9, 271-290, 1993.

  64. Y.M. Wang and G.J. Weng: Self-similar and transient void growth in viscoelastic media at low concentration. International Journal of Fracture Vol. 61, 1-16, 1993.

  65. H.H. Pan and G.J. Weng: Determination of transient and steady-state creep of metal-matrix composites by a secant-moduli method. Composites Engineering Vol. 3, 661-674, 1993.

  66. K.M. Murali and G.J. Weng: Theoretical calculation of anisotropic creep and stress-strain behavior for a class of metal-matrix composites. Metallurgical Transactions Vol. 24A, 2049-2059, 1993.

  67. K.M. Murali and G.J. Weng: The influence of particle concentration on the high-temperature stress-strain behavior of metal-matrix composites. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials Vol. 4, 353-363, 1993.

  68. K.M. Murali and G.J. Weng: A unified determination of creep and strain-rate sensitivity of polycrystals from the properties of constituent grains. Materials Science and Engineering Vol. A172, 43-49, 1993.

  69. A. Bhattacharyya and G.J. Weng: The elastoplastic behavior of a class of two-phase composites containing rigid inclusions. Applied Mechanics Reviews Vol. 47, S45-65, 1994.

  70. A. Bhattacharyya and G.J. Weng: Pressure sensitivity and strength-differential effect of fiber-reinforced polymer matrix composites. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 17, 329-349, 1994.

  71. K. Tohgo and G.J. Weng: A progressive damage mechanics in particle-reinforced metal-matrix composites under high triaxial tension. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology Vol. 116, 414-420, 1994.

  72. A. Bhattacharyya and G.J. Weng: Plasticity of isotropic composites with randomly oriented and packeted inclusions. International Journal of Plasticity Vol. 10, 553-578, 1994.

  73. J. Li and G.J. Weng: Strain-rate sensitivity, relaxation behavior and complex moduli of a class of isotropic viscoelastic composites. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology Vol. 116, 495-504, 1994.

  74. A. Bhattacharyya and G.J. Weng: An energy criterion for the stress-induced martensitic transformation in a ductile system. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids Vol. 42, 1699-1724, 1994.

  75. J. Li and G.J. Weng: Anisotropic stress-strain relations and complex moduli of a viscoelastic composite with aligned inclusions. Composites Engineering Vol. 4, 1073-1097, 1994.

  76. J. Li and G.J. Weng: Effective creep behavior and complex moduli of fiber and ribbon-reinforced polymer-matrix composites. Composites Science and Technology Vol. 52, 615-629, 1994.

  77. H.H. Pan and G.J. Weng: Elastic moduli of heterogeneous solids with ellipsoidal inclusions and elliptic cracks. Acta Mechanica Vol. 110, 73-94, 1995.

  78. Y.H. Zhao and G.J. Weng: A theory of inclusion debonding and its influence on the stress-strain relations of a ductile matrix composite. International Journal of Damage Mechanics (in memory of Lazar M. Kachanov) Vol. 4, 196-211, 1995.

  79. Y.P. Qiu and G.J. Weng: An energy approach to the plasticity of a two-phase composite containing aligned inclusions. Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol. 62, 1039-1046, 1995.

  80. T. Sakaki, G.J. Weng, K. Kakehi and S. Hashimoto: Plastic anisotropy of sheets with continuously varying anisotropic parameters and flow stress. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions Vol. 27A, 317-326, 1996.

  81. J.M. Baney, Y.H. Zhao and G.J. Weng : Progressive debonding of aligned oblate inclusions and loss of stiffness in a brittle matrix composite. Engineering Fracture Mechanics Vol. 53, 897-910, 1996.

  82. J. Li and G.J. Weng: Void growth and stress-strain relations of a class of viscoelastic porous materials, Mechanics of Materials Vol. 22, 179-188, 1996.

  83. S. Govindarajan, N.A. Langrana and G.J. Weng: An experimental and theoretical investigation of creep behavior of a graphite/epoxy woven composite. Polymer Composites Vol. 17, 353-361, 1996.

  84. J. Li and G.J. Weng: Orthotropic creep and complex moduli of a viscoelastic composite reinforced with aligned elliptic cylinders. Journal of Composite Materials Vol. 30, 1042-1066, 1996.

  85. Y.H. Zhao and G.J. Weng: Influence of random bridging on the elastic and elastoplastic properties of fiber-reinforced composites. Acta Mechanica Vol. 116, 45-60, 1996.

  86. A. Bhattacharyya and G.J. Weng: Theoretical calculation of the stress-strain behavior of dual-phase metals with randomly oriented spheroidal inclusions. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions Vol. 27A, 2359-2365, 1996.

  87. Z.K. Lu and G.J. Weng: A simple unified theory for the cyclic deformation of metals at high temperature. Acta Mechanica Vol. 118, 135-149, 1996.

  88. J. Li and G.J. Weng: Effect of a viscoelastic interphase on the creep and stress-strain behavior of fiber-reinforced polymer matrix composites. Composites Engineering Vol. 27, 589-598, 1996.

  89. Y.H. Zhao and G.J. Weng: Plasticity of a two-phase composite with partially debonded inclusions. International Journal of Plasticity Vol.12, 805-842, 1996.

  90. Z.K. Lu and G.J. Weng: Multiaxial constitutive modeling of aircraft engineering materials. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design Vol. 23, 319-332, 1996.

  91. S. Govindarajan, N.A. Langrana and G.J. Weng: The influence of imperfections on the creep behavior of woven polymer composites at elevated temperatures. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design Vol. 23, 333-347, 1996.

  92. J. Li and G. J. Weng: Stress-strain relations of a viscoelastic composite reinforced with elliptic cylinders. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials Vol. 10, 19-30, 1997.

  93. Y.H. Zhao and G.J. Weng: Transversely isotropic moduli of two partially debonded composites. International Journal of Solids and Structures Vol. 34, 493-507, 1997.

  94. J. Li and G.J. Weng: A secant-viscosity approach to the time-dependent creep of an elastic-viscoplastic composite. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids Vol. 45, 1069-1083, 1997.

  95. J. Li and G.J. Weng: Influence of inclusion microgeometry on some thermomechanical properties of isotropic polymer-matrix composites. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology Vol. 119, 242-250, 1997.

  96. Z.K. Lu and G.J. Weng: Martensitic transformation and stress-strain relations of shape-memory alloys. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids Vol. 45, 1905-1928, 1997.

  97. J. Li and G.J. Weng: A homogenization theory for the overall creep of isotropic viscoplastic composites. Acta Mechanica (The Franz Ziegler 60th Anniversary Volume) Vol. 125, 141-153, 1997.

  98. J. Li and G.J. Weng: A unified approach from elasticity to viscoelasticity to viscoplasticity of particle-reinforced solids. International Journal of Plasticity (in memory of James F. Bell) Vol. 14, 193-208, 1998.

  99. G.K. Hu and G.J. Weng: Influence of thermal residual stresses on the composite macroscopic behavior. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 27, 229-240, 1998.

  100. J. Li and G.J. Weng: Time-dependent creep of a dual-phase viscoplastic material with Lamellar structure. International Journal of Plasticity Vol. 14, 755-770, 1998.

  101. Z.K. Lu and G.J. Weng: A self-consistent model for the stress-strain behavior of shape-memory alloy polycrystals. Acta Materialia Vol. 46, 5423-5433, 1998.

  102. K. Ding and G.J. Weng: Plasticity of particle-reinforced composites with a ductile interphase. Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol. 65, 596-604, 1998.

  103. J. Li and G.J. Weng: Creep of a composite with dual viscoplastic phases. Composites Science and Technology Vol. 58, 1803-1810, 1998.

  104. K. Ding and G.J. Weng: The influence of a ductile interphase on the overall elastoplastic behavior of a unidirectional fiber-reinforced composite. Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol. 66, 21-31, 1999.

  105. K. Ding and G.J. Weng: The influence of moduli slope of a linearly graded matrix on the bulk moduli of some particle- and fiber-reinforced composites. Journal of Elasticity Vol. 53, 1-22, 1999.

  106. J. Li and G.J. Weng: A theory of domain switch for the nonlinear behavior of ferroelectrics. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London A Vol. 455, 3493-3511, 1999.

  107. Ce-Wen Nan and G.J. Weng: Influence of microstructural features on the effective magnetostriction of composite materials. Physical Review B Vol. 60, 6723-6730, 1999.

  108. S.F. Zheng, K. Ding, M. Denda and G.J. Weng: A dual homogenization and finite-element study on the in-plane local and global behavior of a nonlinear coated fiber composite. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Vol. 183, 141-155, 2000.

  109. G.K. Hu and G.J. Weng: Some reflections on the Mori-Tanaka and Ponte Castaneda-Willis methods with randomly oriented ellipsoidal inclusions. Acta Mechanica Vol. 140, 31-40, 2000.

  110. Ce-Wen Nan and G.J. Weng: Theoretical approach to effective electrostriction in inhomogeneous materials. Physical Reviews B Vol. 61, 258-265, 2000.

  111. Ce-Wen Nan and G.J. Weng: Electrostrictive coefficients of polycrystalline ceramics. Journal of Materials Science Letters Vol. 19, 291-293, 2000.

  112. Z.K. Lu and G.J. Weng: A micromechanical theory for the thermally induced martensitic transformation in shape memory alloys. Smart Materials and Structures Vol. 9, 582-591, 2000.

  113. Z.K. Lu and G.J. Weng: A two-level micromechanical theory for a shape-memory alloy reinforced composite. International Journal of Plasticity Vol. 16, 1289-1307, 2000.

  114. Ce-Wen Nan, Y. Huang and G.J. Weng: Effect of porosity on the effective magnetostriction of polycrystals. Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 88, 339-343, 2000.

  115. C.W. Nan and G.J. Weng: Influence of polarization orientation on the effective properties of piezoelectric composites. Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 88, 416-423, 2000.

  116. G.K. Hu and G.J. Weng: The connections between the double-inclusion model and the Ponte Castaneda-Willis, Mori-Tanaka, and Kuster-Toksoz models. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 32, 495-503, 2000.

  117. Ce-Wen Nan and G.J. Weng: The bounds of electrostrictive coefficients of relaxor based ferroelectric ceramics. Philosophical Magazine Letters B Vol. 80, 445-451, 2000.

  118. S.F. Zheng, M. Denda and G.J. Weng: Interfacial partial debonding and its influence on the elasticity of a two-phase composite. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 32 695-709, 2000.

  119. Y.M. Jin and G.J. Weng: Micromechanics study of thermomechanical characteristics of polycrystal shape-memory alloy films. Thin Solid Films B Vol. 376, 198-207, 2000.

  120. C. Li, G.J. Weng, Z.P. Dunn and Z. Zou: Dynamic stress intensity factor of a functionally graded material under antiplane shear loading. Acta Mechanica Vol. 149, 1-10, 2001.

  121. G.K. Hu and G.J. Weng: A new derivative on the shift property of effective elastic compliances for planar and 3-D composites. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London A Vol. 457, 1675-1684, 2001.

  122. Y.M. Jin and G.J. Weng: A relaxed constraint model for the tensile behavior of polycrystal shape-memory alloy wires. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A Vol. 32A, 305-313, 2001.

  123. C.Y. Li, G.J. Weng and Z.P. Dunn: Dynamic behavior of a cylindrical crack in a functionally graded interlayer under torsional loading. International Journal of Solids and Structures Vol. 38, 7473-7485, 2001.

  124. C.W. Nan, J.H. Huang and G.J. Weng: Effective magnetostriction of nanocrystalline magnetic materials: the interface effect. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Vol. 233, 219-233, 2001.

  125. C.Y. Li and G.J. Weng: Dynamic stress intensity factor of a cylindrical interface crack with a functionally graded interlayer. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 33, 325-333, 2001.

  126. W.F. Li and G.J. Weng: Micromechanics simulation of spontaneous polarization in ferroelectric crystals. Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 90, 2484-2491, 2001.

  127. J. Li and G.J. Weng : A micromechanics-based hysteresis model for ferroelectric ceramics. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures Vol. 12, 79-91, 2001.

  128. C.Y. Li and G.J. Weng: Dynamic fracture analysis for a penny-shaped interface crack with a functionally graded interlayer. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids Vol. 7, 149-163, 2002.

  129. C.R. Chiang and G.J. Weng: A new look at Hill's arithmetic and geometric means for a two-phase, isotropic composite. Acta Mechanica Vol. 156, 1-12, 2002.

  130. H.H. Pan and G.J. Weng: A micromechanics theory for the transformation toughening of two-phase ceramics. Acta Mechanica Vol. 156, 47-62, 2002.

  131. Y.H. Zhao and G.J. Weng: The effect of debonding angle on the reduction of effective moduli of particle and fiber-reinforced composites. Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol. 69, 292-302, 2002.

  132. C.Y. Li and G.J. Weng: Anti-plane crack problem in functionally graded piezoelectric materials. Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol. 69, 481-488, 2002.

  133. W.F. Li and G.J. Weng: A theory of ferroelectric hysteresis with a superimposed stress. Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 91, 3806-3815, 2002.

  134. C.Y. Li and G.J. Weng: Yoffe-type moving crack in a functionally graded piezoelectric material. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London A Vol. 458, 381-399, 2002.

  135. S.F. Zheng and G.J. Weng: A new constitutive equation for the long-term creep of polymers based on physical aging. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids Vol. 21, 411-421, 2002.

  136. Y.M. Jin and G.J. Weng: A direct method for the crystallography of martensitic transformation and its application to TiNi and AuCd. Acta Materialia Vol. 50, 2967-2987, 2002.

  137. H.H. Pan and G.J. Weng: Transformation toughening of a two-phase, transversely isotropic solid. The Chinese Journal of Mechanics -Series A (The Thomas C.T. Ting 70th Anniversary Volume) Vol. 19, 133-141, 2003.

  138. S.F. Zheng, M. Denda and G.J. Weng: Overall elastic and elastoplastic behavior of a partially debonded fibre-reinforced composite. Journal of Composite Materials Vol. 37, 741-758, 2003.

  139. B. Jiang and G.J. Weng: A composite model for the grain-size dependence of yield stress of nano-grained materials. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions Vol. 34A, 765-772, 2003.

  140. T. Chen, C.-W. Nan and G.J. Weng: Exact connections between effective magnetostriction and effective elastic moduli of fibrous composites and polycrystals. Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 94, 491-495, 2003.

  141. G.J. Weng: Effective bulk moduli of two functionally graded composites. Acta Mechanica Vol. 166, 57-67, 2003.

  142. T. Chen, C.-W. Nan, G.J. Weng and G.-X. Chen: A unified approach for the estimate of effective magnetostriction of composites and polycrystals with particulate and columnar microstructures. Physical Review B Vol. 68, 224406 1-9, 2003.

  143. B. Jiang and G.J. Weng: A theory of compressive yield strength of nano-grained ceramics. International Journal of Plasticity (in memory of Daniel C. Drucker), Vol. 20, 2007-2026, 2004.

  144. W.F. Li and G.J. Weng: Effects of microstructures, porosity, and external pressure on the phase transition of ferroelectric ceramics upon cooling. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design Vol. 1, 17-32, 2004.

  145. W.F. Li and G.J. Weng: A micromechanics-based thermodynamic model for the domain switch in ferroelectric crystals. Acta Materialia Vol. 52, 2489-2496, 2004.

  146. B. Jiang and G.J. Weng: A generalized self-consistent polycrystal model for the yield strength of nanocrystalline materials. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids Vol. 52, 1125-1149, 2004.

  147. T. Chen, G.J. Weng and W.C. Liu: Effect of Kapitza contact and consideration of tube-end transport on the effective conductivity in nano-tube based composites. Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 97, 104312, 2005.

  148. Y. Su and G.J. Weng: The shift of Curie temperature and evolution of ferroelectric domain in ferroelectric crystals. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids Vol. 53, 2071-2099, 2005.

  149. C.R. Chiang and G.J. Weng: The nature of stress and electric-displacement concentrations around a strongly oblate cavity. International Journal of Fracture Vol. 134, 319-337, 2005.

  150. N. Srivastave and G.J. Weng: A dual-phase homogenization theroy for the hysteresis and butterfly-shaped behavior of ferroelectric single crystals. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 38, 945-957, 2006.

  151. Z.M. Xiao, J.Y. Guo and G.J. Weng: A piezoelectric inhomogeneity interacting with a branched crack. International Journal of Computational Methods Vol. 4, 1-20, 2006.

  152. Y. Su and G.J. Weng: A polycrystal hysteresis model for ferroelectric ceramics. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London A Vol. 462, 1573-1592, 2006.

  153. Y. Su and G.J. Weng: A self-consistent polycrystal model for the spontaneous polarization of ferroelectric ceramics. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London A Vol. 462, 1763-1789, 2006.

  154. N. Srivastave and G.J. Weng: A theory of double hysteresis for ferroelectric crystals. Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 99, 054103 1-11, 2006.

  155. Y. Su and G.J. Weng: A polycrystal model for the anisotropic behavior of a fully poled ferroelectric ceramic. Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 100, 114110 1-8 2006.

  156. N. Srivastava and G.J. Weng: The influence of a compressive stress on the nonlinear response of ferroelectric crystals. International Journal of Plasticity Vol. 23, 1860-1873, 2007.

  157. C.R. Chiang and G.J. Weng: Nonlinear behavior and critical state of a penny-shaped dielectric crack in a piezoelectric solid. Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol. 74, 852-860, 2007.

  158. J. Li and G.J. Weng: A secant-viscosity composite model for the strain-rate sensitivity of nanocrystalline materials. International Journal of Plasticity Vol. 23, 2115-2133, 2007.

  159. P. Barai and G.J. Weng: Mechanics of creep resistance in nanocrystalline solids. Acta Mechanica (The Franz Ziegler 70th Anniversary Volume) Vol. 195, 327-348, 2008.

  160. P. Barai and G.J. Weng: The competition of grain size and porosity in the viscoplastic response of nanocrystalline solids. International Journal of Plasticity Vol. 24, 1380-1410, 2008.

  161. T.H. Kuo, H.H. Pan and G.J. Weng: Micromechanics-based predictions on the overall stress-strain relations of cement-matrix composites. Journal of Engineering Mechanics Vol. 134, 1045-1052, 2008.

  162. G.J. Weng: A homogenization scheme for the plastic properties of nanocrystalline materials. Reviews on Advanced Materials Science Vol. 19, 41-62, 2009.

  163. G.J. Weng and D.T. Wong: Thermodynamic driving force in ferroelectric crystals with a rank-2 laminated domain pattern, and a study of enhanced electrostriction. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids Vol. 57, 571-597, 2009.

  164. R. Hashemi, R. Avazmohammadi, H.M. Shodja and G.J. Weng: Composites with superspherical inhomogeneities. Philosophical Magazine Letters Vol. 89, 439-451, 2009.

  165. R. Avazmohammadi, R. Naghdabadi and G.J. Weng: Finite anti-plane shear deformation of nonlinear elastic composites reinforced with elliptic fibers. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 41, 868-877, 2009.

  166. Y. Su and G.J. Weng: Microstructural evolution and overall response of an initially isotropic ferroelectric polycrystal under an applied electric field. Mechanics of Materials (The Leon Keer 75th Anniversary Volume) Vol. 41, 1179-11191, 2009.

  167. G.J. Weng: A theory of triple hysteresis in ferroelectric crystals. Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 106, 074109, 2009.

  168. P. Barai and G.J. Weng: Mechanics of very fine-grained nanocrystalline materials with contributions from the grain interior, GB zone, and grain-boundary sliding. International Journal of Plasticity Vol. 25, 2410-2434, 2009.

  169. H.H. Pan and G.J. Weng: Study on the strain-rate sensitivity of cementitious composites. Journal of Engineering Mechanics Vol. 136, 1076-1082, 2010.

  170. R. Hashemi, G.J. Weng, M.H. Kargarnovin and H.M. Shodja: Piezoelectric Composites with Periodic Multi-Coated Inhomogeneities. International Journal of Solids and Structures Vol. 47, 2893-2904, 2010.

  171. G.J. Weng: A dynamical theory for the Mori-Tanaka and Ponte Castaneda-Willis estimates. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 42, 886-893, 2010.

  172. P. Barai and G.J. Weng: A theory of plasticity for carbon nanotube reinforced composites. International Journal of Plasticity Vol. 27, 539-559, 2011.

  173. P. Barai and G.J. Weng: A micro-continuum model for the creep behavior of complex nanocrystalline materials. International Journal of Engineering Science Vol. 49, 155-174, 2011.

  174. Y.P. Shi, A.K. Soh and G.J. Weng: Anisotropic mechanism on distinct transition modes of tip-activated multipolarization switching in epitaxial BiFeO3 films. Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 109, 024102, 2011.

  175. P. Barai and G.J. Weng: Mechanics of a nanocrystalline coating and grain-size dependence of its plastic strength. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 43, 496-504, 2011.

  176. Y. Su, H.T. Chen, J. Li, A.K. Soh and G.J. Weng: Effects of surface tension on the size-dependent ferroelectric characteristics of free-standing BaTiO3 nano-thin films. Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 110, 084108, 2011.

  177. Y. Pan, G.J. Weng, S.A. Meguid, W.S. Bao, Z.H. Zhu and A.M.S. Hamouda: Percolation threshold and electrical conductivity of a two-phase composite containing randomly oriented ellipsoidal inclusions. Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 110, 123715, 2011.

  178. X. Guo, G.J. Weng and A.K. Soh: Ductility enhancement of layered stainless steel with nanograined interface layers. Computational Materials Science Vol. 55, 350-355, 2012.

  179. W.S. Bao, S.A. Meguid, Z.H. Zhu, Y. Pan and G.J. Weng: A novel approach to predict the electrical conductivity of multifunctional nanocomposites. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 46, 129-138, 2012.

  180. H.H. Pan and G.J. Weng: Investigation of the age-dependent constitutive relations of mortar. Journal of Engineering Mechanics Vol. 138, 297-306, 2012.

  181. W.S. Bao, S.A. Meguid, Z.H. Zhu and G.J. Weng: Tunneling resistance and its effect on the electrical conductivity of CNT nanocomposites. Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 111, 093726, 2012.

  182. Y. Pan, G.J. Weng, S.A. Meguid, W.S. Bao, Z.H. Zhu and A.M.S. Hamouda: Interface effects on the viscoelastic characteristics of carbon nanotube polymer matrix composites. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 58, 1-11, 2013.

  183. J. Li and G.J. Weng: A micromechanical approach to the stress-strain relations, strain-rate sensitivity and activation volume of nanocrystalline materials. Internaional Journal of Mechancis and Materials in Design Vol. 9, 141-152, 2013.

  184. N. Liu, Y. Su and G.J. Weng: A phase-field study on the hysteresis behaviors and domain patterns of nanocrystalline ferroelectric polycrystals. Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 113, 204106, 2013.

  185. W.S. Bao, S.A. Meguid, Z.H. Zhu, Y. Pan and G.J. Weng: Effect of carbon nanotube geometry upon tunneling assisted electrical network in nanomposites. A continuum model with a percolation threshold and tunneling-assisted in-terfacial conductivity for carbon nanotube-based nanocomposites. Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 113, 234313, 2013.

  186. G.J. Weng: Prager Medal Lecture: Micromechanics and some aspects of phase fields in ferroelectric crystals. Acta Mechanica Vol. 225, 979-998, 2014.

  187. G.J. Rodin and G.J. Weng: On reflected interactions in elastic solids containing inhomogeneities. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids Vol. 68, 197-209, 2014.

  188. Y. Wang, G.J. Weng, S.A. Meguid and A.M.S. Hamouda: A continuum model with a percolation threshold and tunneling-assisted in-terfacial conductivity for carbon nanotube-based nanocomposites. Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 115, 193706, 2014.

  189. X. Guo, R. Ji, G.J. Weng, L.L. Zhu and J. Lu: Micromechanical simulation of fracture behavior of bimodal nanostructured metals. Materials Science and Engineering A Vol. 618, 479-489, 2014.

  190. X. Guo, R. Ji, G.J. Weng, L.L. Zhu and J. Lu: Computer simulation of strength and ductility of nanotwin-strengthened coarse-grained metals. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 22, 075014, 2014.

  191. Y. Su, N. Liu and G.J. Weng: A phase field study of frequency dependence and grain-size effects in nanocrystalline ferroelectric polycrystals. Acta Materialia Vol. 87, 293-308, 2015.

  192. X. Guo, G. Yang, G.J. Weng and L.L. Zhu: Numerical simulation of ballistic performance of bimodal nanostructured metals. Materials Science and Engineering A Vol. 630, 13-26, 2015.

  193. Q.L. Xiong, S.A. Meguid, Y. Wang and G.J. Weng: Molecular dynamics and atomistic based continuum studies of the interfacial behavior of nanoreinforced epoxy. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 85, 38-46, 2015.

  194. Y. Wang, Y. Su, J. Li and G.J. Weng: A theory of magnetoelectric coupling with interface effects and aspect-ratio dependence in piezoelectric-piezomagnetic composites. Journal of Applied Physcis Vol. 117, 164106, 2015.

  195. Y. Wang, J.S. Shan and G.J. Weng: Percolation threshold and electrical conductivity of graphene-based nanocomposites with filler agglomeration and interfacial tunneling. Journal of Applied Physcis Vol. 118, 065101, 2015.

  196. X. Guo, T. Yang and G.J. Weng: 3D cohesive modeling of nanostructured metallic alloys with a Weibull random field in torsional fatigue. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences Vol. 101-102, 227-240, 2015.

  197. G. Yang, X. Guo, G.J. Weng, L.L. Zhu and R. Ji: Simulation of ballistic performance of coarse-grained metals strengthened by nanotwinned regions. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 23, 085009, 2015.

  198. Y. Wang and G.J. Weng: Magnetoelectric coupling and overall properties of multiferroic composites with 0-0 and 1-1 connectivity. Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 118, 174102, 2015.

  199. R. Hashemi and G.J. Weng: A theoretical treatment of graphene nanocomposites with percolation threshold, tunneling-assisted conductivty and microcapacitor effect in AC and DC electrical settings. Carbon Vol. 96, 474-490, 2016.

  200. X. Guo, Q.D. Ouyang, G.J. Weng and L.L. Zhu: The direct and indirect effects of nanotwin volume fraction on the strength and ductility of coarse-grained metals. Materials Science and Engineering A Vol. 657, 234-243, 2016.

  201. X. Guo, G. Yang and G.J. Weng: The saturation state of strength and ductility of bimodal nanostructured metals. Materials Letters Vol. 175, 131-134, 2016.

  202. X. Xia, Y. Wang, Z. Zhong and G.J. Weng: A theory of electrical conductivity, dielectric constant, and electromagnetic interference shielding for lightweight graphene composite foams. Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 120, 085102, 2016.

  203. X. Guo, X.M. Sun, X. Tian, G.J. Weng, L.L. Zhu: Simulation of ballistic performance of a two-layered structure of nanostructured metal and ceramic. Composite Structures Vol. 157, 163-173, 2016.

  204. X. Xia, Y. Wang, Z. Zhong and G.J. Weng: Theory of electric creep and electromechanical coupling with domain evolution for non-poled and fully-poled ferroelectric ceramics. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London A Vol. 472, 20160468, 2016.

  205. Y. Wang and G.J. Weng: On Eshelby's S-tensor under various magneto-electro-elastic constitutive settin gs, and its application to multiferroic composites. Journal of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics Vol. 1, 1640002, 2016.

  206. X. Xia, Y. Wang, Z. Zhong and G.J. Weng: A frequency-dependent theory of electrical conductivity and dielectric permittivity for graphene-polymer nanocomposites. Carbon Vol. 111, 221-230, 2017.

  207. J. Li, G.J. Weng, S.H. Chen and X. Wu: On strain hardening mechanism in gradient nanostructures. International Journal of Plasticity Vol. 88, 89-107, 2017.

  208. Y. Wang, X.D. Xia and G.J. Weng: Magnetoelectric coupling and interface effects of multiferroic composites under stress-prescribed boundary condition. Review on Advanced Materials Science Vol. 48, 78-90, 2017.

  209. Y. Su, H. Kang, Y. Wang, J. Li and G.J. Weng: Intrinsic versus extrinsic effects of the grain boundary on the properties of ferroelectric nanoceramics. Physical Review B Vol. 95, 054121, 2017.

  210. S.I. Kundawal, S.A. Meguid and G.J. Weng: Strain gradient polarization in graphene. Carbon Vol. 117, 462-472, 2017.

  211. X. Xia, J. Hao, Y. Wang, Z. Zhong and G.J. Weng: Theory of electrical conductivity and dielectric permittivity of highly aligned graphene-based nanocomposites. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Vol. 29, 205702, 2017.

  212. X. Xia, Z. Zhong and G.J. Weng: Maxwell-Wagner-Sillars mechanism in the frequency dependence of electrical conductivity and dielectric permittivity of graphene-polymer nanocomposites. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 109, 42-50, 2017.

  213. X. Xia, A.D. Mazzeo, Z. Zhong and G.J. Weng: An X-band theory of electromagnetic interference shielding for graphene-polymer nanocomposites. Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 122, 025104, 2017.

  214. Y.P. Shi, L.M. Huang, A.K. Soh, G.J. Weng, S.Y. Liu, and S. Redfern: A scaling law for distinct electrocaloric cooling performance in low-dimensional organic, relaxor and anti-ferroelectrics. Scientific Reports Vol. 7, 11111, 2017.

  215. X. Xia, Y. Su, Z. Zhong and G.J. Weng: A unified theory of plasticity, progressive damage and failure of graphene-metal nanocomposites. International Journal of Plasticity Vol. 99, 58-80, 2017.

  216. Q.D. Ouyang, G. J. Weng, A.K. Soh and X. Guo: Influences of nanotwin volume fraction on the ballistic performance of coarse-grained metals. Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters Vol. 7, 265-268, 2017.

  217. Y. Su and G.J. Weng: The frequency dependence of microstructure evolution in a ferroelectric nano-film during ac dynamic polarization switching. Acta Mechanica (in memory of Franz Ziegler) Vol. 229, 795-805, 2018.

  218. J. Li, S.H. Chen and G.J. Weng: Significantly enhanced crack blunting by nanograin rotation in nanocrystalline materials. Scripta Materialia Vol. 151, 19-23, 2018.

  219. Q.Q. Sun, X. Guo, G.J. Weng, G. Chen and T. Yang: Axial-torsional high-cycle fatigue of both coarse-grained and nanostructured metals: A 3D cohesive finite element model with uncertainty characteristics. Engineering Fracture Mechanics Vol. 195, 30-43, 2018.

  220. Q.D. Ouyang, A.K. Soh, G.J. Weng, L.L. Zhu and X. Guo: The limit velocity and limit displacement of nanotwin-strengthened metals underballistic impact. Acta Mechanica Vol. 229, 1741-1757, 2018.

  221. Y. Su, J. Li and G.J. Weng: Theory of thermal conductivity of graphene-polymer nanocomposites with interfacial Kapitza resistance and graphene-graphene contact resistance. Carbon Vol. 137, 222-233, 2018.

  222. X. Guo, Q.D. Ouyang, Y.B. Sun and G.J. Weng: Ballistic performance of nanostructured metals toughened by elliptical coarse-grained inclusions: A finite element study with failure analysis. Materials Vol. 11, 977, 2018.

  223. X. Guo, G. Yang, G.J. Weng and J. Lu: Interface effects on the strength and ductility of bimodal nanostructured metals. Acta Mechanica Vol. 229, 3475-3487, 2018.

  224. X. Guo, Q.Q. Sun, T. Yang, G.J. Weng, C.B. Zhang and X.Q. Feng: Local Monte Carlo method for fatigue analysus of coarse-grained metals with a nanograined surface layer. Metals Vol. 8, 479, 2018.

  225. X. Guo, Y. Liu, G.J. Weng and L.L. Zhu: Tensile Failure Modes in Nanograined Metals with Nanotwinned Regions. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A Vol. 49A, 5001-5014, 2018.

  226. C. Fang, J. Zhang, X. Chen and G.J. Weng: A Monte Carlo model with equipotential approximation and tunneling resistance for the electrical conductivity of carbon nanotube polymer composites. Carbon Vol. 146, 125-138, 2019.

  227. J. Zhang, C. Fang and G.J. Weng: Three dimensional phase-field simulations on the frequency dependence of polarization vectors and hysteresis loops in ferroelectric crystals. Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 125, 084102, 2019.

  228. J. Zhang, Y. Kang, Y. Gao and G.J. Weng: Experimental investigation of magnetoelectric effect in A-line shape Terfenol-D/PZT structures with NdFeB magnets. Materials Vol. 12, 1055, 2019.

  229. T. Chen, W. Lu, J. Li, S. Chen, C. Li and G.J. Weng: Tailoring tensile ductility of thin film by grain size graded substrates. International Journal of Solids and Structures Vol. 166, 124-134, 2019.

  230. C. Liu, W. Lu, G.J. Weng and J. Li: A cooperative nano-grain rotation and grain-boundary migration mechanism for enhanced dislocation emission and tensile ductility in nanocrystalline materials. Materials Science and Engineering A Vol. 756, 284-290, 2019.

  231. J. Zhang, C. Fang and G.J. Weng: Direct and converse nonlinear magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroic composites with ferromagnetic and ferroelectric phases. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London A Vol. 475, 20190002, 2019.

  232. J. Li, F. Qin, W. Lu and G.J. Weng: A synergetic grain growth mechanism uniting nanograin rotation and grain boundary migration in nanocrystalline materials. Results in Physics Vol. 14, 102381, 2019.

  233. X. Xia, G.J. Weng, D. Hou and W. Wen: Tailoring the frequency-dependent electrical conductivity and dielectric permittivity of CNT-polymer nanocomposites with nanosized particles. International Journal of Engineering Science Vol. 142, 1-19, 2019.

  234. J. Li, S.H. Chen, G.J. Weng and C. Liu: Stress-assisted grain-rotation-induced dislocation emission from grain boundari\ es in nanocrystalline face-centered-cubic metals. Philosophical Magazine Letters Vol. 99, 466-478, 2019.

  235. X. Xia, G.J. Weng, J. Xiao and W. Wen: Porosity-dependent percolation threshold and frequency-dependent electrical pro\ perties for highly aligned graphene-polymer nanocomposite foams. Materials Today Communications Vol. 22, 100853, 2020.

  236. J. Wang, J. Li, G.J. Weng and Y. Su: The effects of temperature and alignment state of nanofillers on the thermal conductivity of both metal and nonmetal based graphene nanocomposites. Acta Materialia Vol. 185, 461-473, 2020.

  237. X. Xia, B.X. Xu, X. Xiao and G.J. Weng: Modeling the dielectric breakdown strength and energy storage density of graphite-polymer composites with dielectric damage process. Materials and Design Vol. 189, 108531, 2020.

  238. J. Zhang, G.J. Weng, X. Xia and C. Fang: A theory of frequency dependence and sustained high dielectric constant in functionalized graphene-polymer nanocomposites. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 144, 103352, 2020.

  239. X. Xia, G.J. Weng, J. Zhang and Y. Li: The effect of temperature and graphene concentration on the electrical conductivity and dielectric permittivity of graphene-polymer nanocomposites. Acta Mechanica Vol. 231, 1305-1320, 2020.

  240. X. Guo, Y. Liu, G.J. Weng, L.L. Zhu, J. Lu, and G. Chen: Microstructure-property relations in the tensile behavior of bimodal nanostructured metals. Advanced Engineering Materials Vol. 22 , 2000097, 2020.

  241. C Fang, J Zhang, X Chen, G.J Weng: Calculating the Electrical Conductivity of Graphene Nanoplatelet Polymer Compos\ ites by a Monte Carlo Method. Nanomaterials Vol. 10, 1129, 2020.

  242. H. Du, S. Spratford, J.W. Shan, G.J. Weng: Experimental and theoretical study of the evolution of fluid-suspended graphene morphology driven by an applied electric field and the attainment of ultra-low percolation threshold in graphene-polymer nanocomposites. Composites Science and Technology Vol. 199, 108315, 2020.

  243. X. Xia, Z. Du and G.J. Weng: Predicting temperature-dependent creep and recovery behaviors of agglomerated graphene-polymer nanocomposites with a thermodynamically-driven temperature-degraded process. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 150, 103576, 2020.

  244. J. Zhang, H. Du, X. Xia, C. Fang and G.J. Weng: Theoretical study on self-biased magnetoelectric effect of layered magnetoelectric composites. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 151, 103609, 2020.

  245. X. Xia, S. Zhao, C. Fang and G.J. Weng: Modeling the strain-dependent electrical resistance and strain sensitivity factor of CNT-polymer nanocomposites. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences https://doi.org/10.1002/mma.6871, 1-15, 2020.

  246. T. Liang, X. Zou, R.K. Pal, J. Xie, M.K. Assasie-Gyimah, J. Liu, W. Guo, C. Chen, M. Tenorio, D. Sullivan, A. Root, P. Stansel, A.Q. McKeown, G.J. Weng, W.W. Sampson, A.A. Pelegri and A.D. Mazzeo: Tunable electrical properties of embossed, cellulose-based paper for skin-like sensing. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Vol. 12, 51960-51968, 2020.

  247. Y.X. Wang, X. Guo, S.W. Shi, G.J. Weng, G. Chen and J. Lu: Biaxial fatigue crack growth in proton exchange membrane of fuel cells based on cyclic cohesive finite element method. International Journal of Mechancial Sciences Vol. 189, 105946, 2021.

  248. X. Xia, J. Li, J. Zhang and G.J. Weng: Uncovering the glass-transition tempeature and temperature-dependent storage modulus of graphene-polymer nanocomposites through irreversible thermodynamcis processes. International Journal of Engineering Science Vol. 154, 103411, 2021.

  249. J. Wang, C. Li, J. Li, G.J. Weng and Y. Su: A multiscale study of the filler-size and temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity of graphene-polymer nanocomposites. Carbon Vol. 175, 259-270, 2021.

  250. X. Xia, Z. Du, J. Zhang, J. Li and G.J. Weng: A hierarchical scheme from nano to macro scale for the strength and ductility of graphene/metal nanocomposites. International Journal of Engineering Science Vol. 162, 103476, 2021.

  251. J. Li, S.H. Chen, G.J. Weng and W.J. Lu: A micromechanical model for heterogeneous nanograined metals with shape effect of inclusions and geometrically necessary dislocation pileups at the domain boundary. International Journal of Plasticity Vol. 144, 103024, 2021.

  252. X. Xia and G.J. Weng: Dual percolation of electrical conductivity and electromagnetic interference shielding in progressiveky agglomerated CNT/polymer nanocomposites. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids (In honor of Professor Mark Kachanov's 75th Birthday) Vol. 26, 1120-1137, 2021.

  253. C. Fang, X. Guo, G.J. Weng, J.H. Li and G. Chen: Simulation of ductile fracture of zirconium alloys based on triaxiality dependent cohesive zone model. Acta Mechanica Vol. 232, 3723-3736, 2021.

  254. C. Fang, X. Chen, J. Zhang, X. Xia and G.J. Weng: Monte Carlo method with Bezier curves for the complex conductivity of curved CNT-polymer nanocomposites. International Journal of Engineering Science Vol. 168, 103543, 2021.

  255. X. Wang, J. Zhang, W. Ta, X. Xia and G.J. Weng: Surface and interface effects on the bending behavior of nonlinear multipayered magnetoelectric nanostructures. Composite Structures Vol. 275, 114485, 2021.

  256. X. Wang, J. Zhang, X. Xia, C. Fang and G.J. Weng: Nonlinear magnetoelectric effects of polymer-based hybridmagnetoelectic composites with chain-like terfenol-D/epoxy and PVDF multilayers. Composites Science and Technology Vol. 216, 109069, 2021.

  257. X. Xia, Y. Liu, J. Li and G.J. Weng: Review and perspective on the calculations of mechanical and functional properties of low-dimensional nanocomposites. Journal of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics (On the occasion of Professor A.C. Eringen's CentenniaL Anniversary) Vol. 6, 67-87, 2021.

  258. X. Xia, X. Guo and G.J. Weng: Creep rupture in carbon nanotube-based viscoplastic nanocomposites. International Joiurnal of Plasticity Vol. 150, 103189, 2022.

  259. X. Guo, G.Y. Chai, G.J. Weng, L.L. Zhu and J. Lu: Tuning the strength-ductility synergy of nanograined Cu through nanotwin volume fraction. Computational Materials Science Vol. 203, 111073, 2022.

  260. X. Xia, Z. Du, J. Zhang, J. Li and G.J. Weng: Modeling the impact of glass transition on the frequency-dependent complex conductivity of CNT-polymer nanocomposites. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 165, 104195, 2022.

  261. H. Du, C. Fang, J. Zhang, X. Xia and G.J. Weng: Segregated carbon nanotube networks in CNT-polymer nanocomposites for higher electrical conductivity and dielectric permittivity, and lower percolation threshold. International Journal of Engineering Science Vol. 173, 103650, 2022.

  262. X. Xia, S. Zhao, J. Wang, H. Du and G.J. Weng: Tuning the AC electric response of decorated PDA@MWCNT/PVDF nanocomposites. Composites Science and Technology Vol. 222, 109398, 2022.

  263. X. Xia, S. Zhao, H. Yin and G.J. Weng: Revealing the AC electromechanically coupled effects and stable sensitivity on the dielectric loss in CNT-based nanocomposite sensors. Materials and Design Vol. 216, 110557, 2022.

  264. J. Zhang, X. Wang, X. Chen, H. Du and G.J. Weng: Finite element analysis of the magnetoelectric effects on hybrid magnetoelectric composites. Composite Structures Vol. 296, 115876, 2022.

  265. Y. Qi, C. Yao, H. Xu, J. Zhang ang G.J. Weng: Phase-field simulations on the frequency-dependent evolution of nano-magnetic domains and hysteresis loops of ferromagnetic Terfenol-D. Materials Today Communications Vol. 32, 103849, 2022.

  266. X. Xia, Z. Du, J. Zhang, D. Song and G.J. Weng: The influence of ambient temperature and X-band frequency on EMI shielding performance of graphene/silica nanocomposites. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 173, 104419, 2022.

  267. X. Xia, Z. Du, Y. Su, J. Li and G.J. Weng: Dual thermodynamics approach to the temperature dependence of viscoplastic creep durability in graphene-based nanocomposites. International Journal of Plasticity Vol. 157, 103400, 2022.

  268. J. Zhang, X. Wang, X. Chen, X. Xia and G.J. Weng: Piezoelectricity enhancement in graphene/polyvinylidene fluoride composites due to graphene-induced alpha-to-beta crystal phase transition. Energy Conversion and Management Vol. 269, 116121, 2022.

  269. X. Xia, S. Zhao, J. Zhang, C. Fang and G.J. Weng: A unified investigation into the tensile and compressive sensing performance in highly sensitive MWCNT/epoxy nanocomposite strain sensor through loading-dependent tunneling distance. Composites Science and Technology Vol. 230, 109723, 2022.

  270. R. Song, J. Zhang and G.J. Weng: Three-dimensional finite element simulation of magnetic-mechanical-electrical coupling in layered cylindrical multiferroic structures. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 175, 104476, 2022.

  271. C. Fang, X. Chen, J. Zhang, X. Xia and G.J. Weng: Study of electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness of multilayer graphene films by Monte Carlo method. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Vol. 56, 045301, 2022.

  272. H. Du, J. Zhang, C. Fang and G.J. Weng: Modeling the evolution of graphene agglomeration and electrical and mechanical properties of graphene/polypropylene nanocomposites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science Vol. 140:e53292, 2023.

  273. J. Zhang, X. Chen, X. Wang, C. Fang and G.J. Weng: Magnetic, mechanical, electrical properties and coupling effects of particle reinforced piezoelectric polymer matrix composites. Composite Structures Vol. 304, 116450, 2023.

  274. Y. Sheng, C. Li, J. Wang, X. Xia, G.J. Weng and Y. Su: Multiscale modeling of thermal conductivity of hierarchical CNT-polymer nanocomposite system with progressive agglomeration. Carbon Vol. 201, 785-795, 2023.

  275. Y. Fan, Z. Hang, H. Liu, C. Feng, J. Yang, Y. Su and G.J. Weng: Frequency-dependent electrical properties of microscale self-enclosed ionic liquid enhanced soft composites. Soft Matter Vol. 19, 1913-1929, 2023.

  276. H. Du, A.D. Mazzeo, J.W. Shan, X. Xia and G.J. Weng: Electrical response, elastic property, and pressure sensing under bending of hybrid graphene/CNT/elastomer nanocomposites. Composite Structures Vol. 311, 116838, 2023.

  277. Y. Fan, J. Yang, Z. Ni, Z. Hang, C. Feng, J. Yang, Y. Su and G.J. Weng: A two-step homogenization micromechanical model for strain-sensing of graphene reinforced porous cement composites. Journal of Building Engineering Vol. 71, 106546, 2023.

  278. C. Bi, X. Guo, A.H. Wang, G.J. Weng, K.P. Qu and F. Shen: Strain-rate-dependent cohesive zone modelling of charge damage behavior when a projectile penetrates multilayered targets. Acta Mechanica Vol. 234, 2869-2887, 2023.

  279. Y. Fan, Z. Ni, S. Mu, Z. Hang, Y. Wang, C. Feng, Y. Su and G.J. Weng: Hybrid micromechanical modelling and experiments on electrical conductivity of graphene reinforced porous and saturated cement composites. Cement and Concrete Composites Vol. 141, 105148, 2023.

  280. X.D. Zan, X. Guo, G.J. Weng and G. Chen: Nanoindentation study of delta-phase zirconium hydride using the crystal plasticity model. International Journal of Plasticity Vol. 167, 103675, 2023.

  281. X.D. Zan, X. Guo, X. Xia, G.J. Weng, G. Chen and F.Z. Han: Anisotropic deformation mechanisms of rolling-textured Zircaloy-4 alloy by crystal plasticity model. Computational Materials Science Vol. 229, 112424, 2023.

  282. X. Chen, J. Zhang, Y. Gao and G.J. Weng: Correlation between meso-structures and magnetoelectric properties in 0-3 magnetoelectric composites. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences Vol. 262, 108746, 2024.

  283. X. Xia, S. Zhao, J. Zhang, C. Fang and G.J. Weng: Revealing the time-dependent electromechanically coupled performances of viscoelastic MWCNT/polyethylene nanocomposite stress sensors. Composites Science and Technology Vol. 247, 110417, 2024.

  284. Y. Wang, X. Guo, Y. Wang, C. Fang, S. Shi, G.J. Weng and G. Chen: Fatigue crack growth behavior of proton exchange membrane in fuel cells under humidity cycling. Journal of Power Sources Vol. 597, 234074, 2024.

  285. C. Wu, L. Zhang, G.J. Weng and H. Yin: Thermomechanical modeling of functionally graded materials based on bimaterial fundamental solutions. International Journal of Engineering Science Vol. 198, 104040, 2024.

  286. X. Xia, Y. Liu, J. Zhang, J. Luo and G.J. Weng: Tailoring electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness of SiO2-decorated MWCNT/polymer nanocomposites. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 191, 104949, 2024.

  287. X.D. Zan, X. Guo and G.J. Weng: Hydride-enhanced strain localization in zirconium alloy: a study by crystal plasticity finite element method. International Journal of Plasticity Vol. 174, 103911, 2024.

  288. H. Liu, Y. Fan, Z. Hang, J. Yang, C. Feng, Y. Su and G.J. Weng: Hybrid micromechanical modelling and experiments on temperature-dependent thermal conductivity of graphene reinforced porous cement composites. Journal of Building Engineering Vol. 86, 108859, 2024.

  289. Y. Zare, M.T. Munir, G.J. Weng and K.P. Rhee: Supposition of graphene stacks to estimate the contact resistance and conductivity of nanocomposites. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition) Vol. 45, 663-676, 2024.

  290. P. Li, J. Zhang, Y. Gao, X. Xia and G.J. Weng: Effect of magnetic field on macroscopic hysteresis and microscopic magnetic domains for different ferromagnetic materials. Journal of Materials Research and Technology Vol. 31, 458-471, 2024.

  291. C. Fang, X. Zheng, J. Liu, H. Du and G.J. Weng: Uncovering the thermal conductivity of graphene nanoplatelet composites with interlayers using a Monte Carlo model. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Vol. 57, 495303, 2024.

  292. W. Wang, J. Zhang, P.Li, Z. Liu, Y. Gao and G.J. Weng: Effect of leakage current on magnetoelectric effect of 0-3 multiferroic composites based on an equivalent circuit model. Acta Materialia Vol. 285, 120575, 2025.

  293. X. Xia, Y. Liu, S. Huang, J. Luo and G.J. Weng: An investigation into instantaneously tuning the EMI shielding characteristics of CNT-based nanocomposite biofoams in the X-band range by strain loading. Mechanics of Materials Vol. 201, 105209, 2025.

  294. H. Du, X. Chen, H. Ding, X. Yin, Y. Su and G.J. Weng: The effect of adding graphene oxide into CNT/polymer system on the CNT dispersion and mechanical properties of the hybrid nanocomposites. Composites Communications Vol. 53, 102196, 2025.

  295. Z. Ling, L. Liu, J. Zhang, H. Sun, X. Xia, Y. Guo, L. Fan, G. Ma and G.J. Weng: The electrical resistance characteristics of carbon-based composite films. Materials Today Communications Vol. 42, 111358, 2025.

  296. C. Feng, H. Liu, Z. Hang, Y. Su, X. Xia and G.J. Weng: Study on thermal conductivity of 0D/1D/2D carbon filler reinforced cement composites with phonon physical model. Cement and Concrete Composites Vol. 157, 105917, 2025.

  297. J. Hou, X. Guo, Q. Li, D. Zhu and G.J. Weng: Review on interpretations, applications, and developments of numerical methods in studying interface fracture. Acta Mechanica Vol. 236, 591-629, 2025.

  298. X. Xia, J. Xiao, W. Yang and G.J. Weng: Modeling of CNT alignment state on the strain sensing characteristics of MWCNT-based nanocomposites. Appied Mathematical Modelling Vol. 141, 115946, 2025.

  299. Z. Wang, J. Zhang and G.J. Weng: Modeling the percolation behavior of conductive particles/insulating polymer-based composites with equivalent circuit of resistance. Polymer Vol. 324,128262, 2025.

  300. X. Zan, X. Guo and G.J. Weng: Simulation of fracture behaviors in hydrogenated zirconium alloys using a crystal plasticity coupled phase-field fractuere model. International Journal of Plasticity (in press).

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