G.J. Weng and C.T. Sun:
Effects of fiber length on the elastic moduli of randomly oriented
chopped-fiber composites, in Composite Materials: Testing and
Design, edited by S.W. Tsai, ASTM-STP-674, 149-162, 1979.
G.J. Weng:
Theoretical principles for the determination of two kinds of
composite plasticity: inclusions plastic vs. matrix plastic, in
Mechanics of Composite Materials, edited by G.J. Dvorak and
N. Laws, ASME AMD-Vol. 92, New York, 193-208, 1988.
Z.G. Zhu and G.J. Weng:
Micromechanics of high-temperature deformation in
particle-reinforced materials, in Advances in Plasticity, edited
by A.S. Khan and M. Tokuda, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 595-598, 1989.
Y.M. Wang and G.J. Weng:
Self-similar void growth in viscoelastic media, in Damage Mechanics
in Engineering Materials, edited by J.W. Ju, D. Krajcinovic and
H.L. Schreyer, ASME AMD-Vol. 109 and MD-Vol.24, New York, 211-226, 1990.
Y.M. Wang and G.J. Weng:
A local-field theory for the overall creep of fiber-reinforced
metal-matrix composites, in Inelastic Deformation of Composite
Materials (IUTAM Symposium), edited by G.J. Dvorak, Springer-Verlag,
New York, 501-525, 1991.
Y.P. Qiu and G.J. Weng:
A theory of porous plasticity at low triaxiality, in Proceedings of
Engineering Mechanics Specialty Conference, edited by H. Adeli and
R.L. Sierakowski, ASCE, New York, 298-302, 1991.
K.M. Murali and G.J. Weng:
Transition of viscoplasticity from the single crystal to the
polycrystal level, in Anisotropy and Localization of Plastic
Deformation, edited by J.P. Boehler and A.S. Khan, Elsevier, London,
152-155, 1991.
Y.P. Qiu and G.J. Weng:
Anisotropic plasticity of a porous material with aligned spheroidal
voids, in Anisotropy and Localization of Plastic Deformation, edited by
J.P. Boehler and A.S. Khan, Elsevier, London, 262-265, 1991.
Y.M. Wang and G.J. Weng:
High temperature creep of planarly isotropic metal-matrix and
polymer-matrix composites, in High Temperature Constitutive
Modeling, edited by A.D. Freed and K.P. Walker, ASME MD-Vol.28 and
AMD-Vol.121, New York, 451-468, 1991.
T. Sakaki, G.J. Weng and K. Kakehi:
r-value of a sheet with continuously varying anisotropic
parameters, in Proceedings of JSME Conference on Mechanics and
Materials, JSME, Tokyo, Vol.B, 362-364, 1991.
Y.P. Qiu and G.J. Weng:
An energy approach to the plasticity of porous materials, in Recent
Advances in Damage Mechanics and Plasticity, edited by J.W. Ju, ASME
AMD-Vol.132 and MD-Vol.30, New York , 203-217, 1992.
G.J. Weng and Y.P. Qiu:
Plasticity for a class of porous materials and two-phase
composites, in Proceedings of JSME Conference on Mechanics and
Materials, JSME, Tokyo, 319-322, 1992.
H.H. Pan and G.J. Weng:
An energy approach to the high-temperature creep of
fiber-reinforced metal-matrix composites, in Damage Mechanics in
Composites, edited by D. H. Allen and D.C. Lagoudas, ASME
AMD-Vol.150, New York, 195-212, 1992.
A. Bhattacharyya, T. Sakaki and G.J. Weng:
Morphological influence of martensite on the stress-strain
relations of dual-phase metals with a prior phase transformation, in
Microstructural Characterization of Heterogeneous Media, edited by
S. Torquato and D. Krajcinovic, ASME AMD-Vol.47, New York, 67-83, 1992.
J. Li and G.J. Weng:
Strain-rate sensitivity and inclusion-shape dependence in the
stress-strain relations of isotropic viscoelastic composites, in
Homogenization and Constitutive Modeling for Heterogeneous
Materials, edited by C.S. Chang and J.W. Ju, ASME AMD-Vol. 166, New
York, 47-62, 1993.
J. Li and G.J. Weng:
Effective viscoelastic behavior and complex moduli of a class of
polymer-matrix composites, in Use of Plastics and Plastic Composites:
Materials and Mechanics Issues, edited by V.K. Stokes, ASME
MD-Vol.46, New York, 207-225, 1993.
J. Li and G.J. Weng:
Micromechanical determination of the viscoplastic behavior of a
metal-matrix composite, in Inelasticity and Micromechanics of Metal Matrix
Composites, edited by G.Z. Voyiadjis and J.W. Ju, Elsevier,
Amsterdam, 213-227, 1994.
S. Govindarajan, N.A. Langrana and G.J. Weng:
Modeling creep behavior in polymeric woven composites, in Advances
in Computer-Aided Engineering of Polymer Processing, edited by
K. Himasekhar and V. Prasad, ASME MD-Vol. 49, HTD-Vol. 283, New York,
281-296, 1994.
J. Li and G.J. Weng:
A micromechanical theory on the complex moduli of a class of
orthotropic polymer-matrix composites, in Failure Mechanics in
Advanced Polymeric Composites, edited by G.A. Kardomateas and
Y. Rajapakse, ASME AMD-Vol.196, New York, 109-124, 1994.
Y.H. Zhao and G.J. Weng:
Influence of progressive debonding on the constitutive behavior of
disc-reinforced ductile matrix composites, in Damage Mechanics in
Composites, edited by D.H. Allen and J.W. Ju, ASME AMD-Vol.185, New
York, 179-190, 1994.
Y.H. Zhao and G.J. Weng:
Effective elastic moduli of a two-phase composite containing
partially debonded spheroidal inclusions, in Microstructures and Mechanical
Properties of New Engineering Materials, edited by B. Xu, M. Tokuda
and J. Song, International Academic Publishers, Beijing, 45-50, 1995.
J. Li and G.J. Weng:
A unified micromechanical theory for the high-temperature creep of
particle-reinforced metal-matrix composites, in Key Engineering Materials
Vol. 104-107, 749-756, 1995.
Y.H. Zhao and G.J. Weng:
Transversely isotropic elastic moduli of a composite with partial
particle debonding, in Micromechanical Modeling and Damage
Characterization of Advanced Materials, edited by S.A. Meguid, ASME
AMD Vol. 199, New York, 1-11, 1995.
J. Li and G.J. Weng:
Viscoplasticity of a two-phase composite with the lamellar
structure, in Micromechanics and Constitutive Modeling of Composite
Materials, edited by H.M. Zbib and I. Demir, ASME AMD-Vol.202, New
York, 65-75, 1995.
J. Li and G. J. Weng:
Void growth in viscoelastic polymeric materials, in Mechanics of
Plastics and Plastic Composites, edited by
M.C. Boyce, ASME MD-Vol.68, New York, 409-421, 1995.
Y.H. Zhao, J. Li and G.J. Weng:
A hybrid damage mechanics of progressive partial debonding in a class of
brittle-matrix composites, in Damage and Interfacial Debonding
in Composites, edited by G.Z. Voyiadjis, Elsevier, Amsterdam,
259-272, 1996.
K. Ding and G. J. Weng:
A first step toward functionally graded plasticity in porous
materials, in Damage Mechanics of
Engineering Materials, edited by G.Z. Voyiadjis, J.-L. Chaboche, and
J.W. Ju, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 441-454, 1998.
J. Li and G. J. Weng:
A micromechanical theory for the stress-strain relations of
ferroelectric ceramics, in Progress in Mechanical Behavior of
Materials, edited by F. Ellyin and J.W. Provan, Fleming Press,
Victoria, British Columbia, 1045-1050, 1999.
J. Li and G. J. Weng:
A nonlinear constitutive model for ferroelectric materials, in Proceedings,
4th International Conference on Constitutive Laws for Engineering
Materials, edited by R.C. Picu and E. Krempl, RPI Press, New
York. 317-320, 1999.
X. Guo, R. Ji, G.J. Weng, L.L. Zhu, J. Lu:
Micromechanical simulation of fracture behavior of nanostructured metals with bimodal grain size distribution, in Procedia Materials Science, vol. 3, 2148-2153, 2014.

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