Technical Editor.
* The author should state his business connection, the title of his position, and his mailing address on the title page. ASME membership and grade should also be indicated. A short abstract (50 to 100 words) should be included on the first page immediately preceding the introductory paragraph of the paper.
* Five copies of manuscript are required. One of these must be a carefully prepared printer's copy, typed double-spaced, on one side of the page only, with wide margins on 220 x 280 mm (8 1/2 x 11 inch) opaque white paper.

SOFTWARE Upon Notification of acceptance of the paper for publication, authors may submit disks using the TeX advanced typesetting software. Guidelines for the use of TeX for paper submission are available. Contact Charles Beardsley, Managing Director, Publications, for more information.

MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSIONS * All mathematical expressions should be typewritten. Greek letters and other symbols not available on the typewriter should be carefully inserted in ink. Care should be taken to distinguish between capital and lowercase letters, between zero (0) and the letter (O), between the numerical (1) and the letter (l), etc. A letter representing a vector cannot be printed with an arrow above or below it. The letter should be underscored with a single wavy line wherever it appears in the text, to designate boldface type.
* A list of symbols carefully marked for the use of editor, if it has not been included in the body of the paper, should accompany the manuscript on a seperate page.
* Numbers that identify mathematical expressions should be enclosed in parentheses. Numbers that identify references at the end of the paper should be enclosed in brackets. Care should be taken to arrange all tables and mathematical expressions in such a way that they will fit into a single column when set in type. Equations that might extend beyond the width of one column (fraction that should not be broken or long expressions enclosed in parentheses) should be rephrased to go on two or more lines within column width. Fractional powers are preferred to root signs and should always be used in more elaborate formulas. The solidus should be used instead of the horizontal line for fractions whenever possible.

REFERENCES * References should be cited in the text by giving the last name of the author(s) and the year of publication of the reference: either "Recent work (Smith and Jones, 1985)..." or "Recently Smith and Jones (1985)...". With three or more names use the form "Smith et al. (1985)" in the text. When two or more references would have the same text identification, distinguish them by appending "a," "b," etc., to the year of publication.
* Acceptable references include: journal articles, dissertations, published conference proceedings, numbered paper preprints and conferences, books, reports available from the U.S. Government, submitted articles if the journal is identified and private communications.
* References should be listed in alphabetical order, according to the last name of the first author, at the end of the paper. Some sample references follow:

Clark, J.A., 1986, Private Communication, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

Lee, Y., Korpela, S.A., and Horne, R.N., 1982, "Structure of Multi-Cellular Natural Convection in a Tall Vertical Annulus," Proceedings, 7th International Heat Transfer Conference, U. Grigull et al., ed., Hemisphere Publishing Corp., Washington, DC, Vol 2, pp. 221-226.

Sparrow, E.M., 1980, "Forced Convection Heat Transfer in a Duct Having Spanwise-Periodic Rectangular Protuberances," Numerical Heat Transfer, Vol 3, pp. 149-167.

LENGTH The text of an ASME paper should not exceed six (6) printed pages in a journal. This corresponds to 27 - 30 total manuscript pages, typed double-spaced with pica type, with each figure counting as a page of text. A Technical Note should not exceed 1500 words or equivalent (one and a half Journal pages). Discussions should not exceed 500 words, and closures normally should not exceed 250 words per discussion. In computing equivalence, a typical one-colume figure or table is equal to 250 words. A one-line equation is equal to 30 words. The use of a built-up fraction or an integral sign or summation sign in a sentence will require additional space equal to 10 words.


Please submit
manuscripts for review
and address all
communications to:

Prof. George J. Weng
Dept. of Mech. & Aerospace Engineering
Rutgers University
New Brunswick,
NJ 08903 * Originals and four copies of figures must accompany the manuscript. Line drawings should not be larger than 220 x 280 cm (8 1/2 x 11 inch) and should be planned for reduction to column width. Lettering should be large enough to be clearly legible when the illustration is reduced. Drawings must be suitable for reproduction. Photographs of equipment or test specimens must be glossy prints and should be used sparingly. Captions for figures should be typed double-spaced and included as the last page of the manuscript. The figure number and author's name should be written in the margin or on the back of each illustration. Illustrations are not returned to the author, unless a specific request is made to do so.
* Titles of papers should be brief
* Authors can obtain copies of ASME Manual MS-4, "An ASME Paper" and "Page Charge Form" from the Editor and are urged to do so before drafting their papers in final form.
* The lead author of a preprint is entitled to 25 complimentary copies, which should be distributed among the co-authors. Larger quantities of preprints can be ordered from ASME Order Department, 22 Law Drive, Box 2300, Fairfield, NJ 07007-2300. Quotations will be sent on request.

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Associate Technical Editors

Last Modified: Thursday, Sept. 14, 95 22:15 ET